Author: Sahiti Bulusu; Sources: EPA, Unsplash

Human Chemical Disturbance


Human disturbance is a measure of how vulnerable aquatic resources are to harmful human activities such as deforestation or landfills + litter. The impacts of these can negatively affect fish, wildlife and other aquatic communities as well as come back to hurt humans in the form of drinking water, etc. 

“Nature bears long with those who wrong her. She is patient under abuse. But when abuse has gone too far, when the time of reckoning finally comes, she is equally slow to be appeased and to turn away her wrath” – Nathaniel H. Egleston



Help Save the World, One Bag at a Time

Materials: nothing // Duration: 10 minutes

  • Take a goal to pick up 5 pieces of litter every day. Put it in a nearby trashcan or recycling bin and record it in a diary. Create a points system in which the more points you accumulate, the more in favor you are of Mother Nature.

  • Encouraging friends to join you is 10 extra points


Humans have damaged the environment using chemicals and much more. Climate change is due to us and it is now our responsibility to help stop and slow it down.


Eutrophication and Hypoxia

