The Beyond Terra Model Garden is a concept of a garden that embodies the following principles:

Highly Biodiverse

Using Native Species

Designed For Students

Outdoor Education

The Garden is designed with education in mind. Outdoor learning, a tool that supports students’ emotional, behavioral, and intellectual development is being increasingly adopted in the 21st-century. Our gardens have walking spaces, learning spaces, and signage aimed at educating students and allowing them to explore the garden.

Biodiverse and Native

Our mission is to restore and preserve biodiversity, and our gardens make this true. Biodiversity is typically low in urban environments, but these gardens serve as sanctuaries for local species—like Monarch Butterflies in the Bay Area—allowing them to thrive. Only native species indigenous to the environment are planted, benefitting the local ecosystem.

To create a Beyond Terra Model Garden with your school or organization, please fill out this form:

Beyond Terra Model Garden Pledge

I commit—as a representative of my school or organization— to implementing a Beyond Terra Model Garden. With the support of Beyond Terra and my group, I will create the garden with students in mind, from decision-making to creation. The Garden will serve as a teaching aide and use a variety of native species that benefit the local environment.

The following schools have committed to the Model Garden Pledge or implemented BT Model Gardens

Ardenwood Elementary School— Fremont, CA

American High School— Fremont, CA