
Battling greenhouse gas emissions through data analytics, community building, and policy change.


Cities, states, and countries often set targets to curb emissions, but some are highly ambitious while others are lax. Some are actionable, while others are greenwashed. Some are implemented, while others sit stale.

We believe cities have an economic incentive to become more sustainable. Public and environmental health are not the only benefits—strategic changes can save cities millions. Those excess funds can fund additional county and city-level projects.

We collate data from government-provided and peer-reviewed sources, analyze it according to the latest IPCC research and our bespoke methodology, and work with the public and private sectors to implement systemic, productive, and sustainable change.

We are tackling the most significant—and growing—source of carbon emissions in the SF Bay Area, industrial transportation, through policy at the regional level.

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New Jersey

City Score
0 Oakland 1.400000
1 Fremont 1.500000
2 Chula Vista 1.600000
3 Jersey City 2.000000
4 Newark 2.000000
5 Fresno 2.400000
6 Anaheim 2.700000
7 Bakersfield 2.800000
8 Long Beach 2.800000
9 Sacramento 2.900000
10 Stockton 3.000000
11 San Jose 3.500000
12 San Francisco 3.666667
13 Santa Ana 3.700000
14 San Diego 3.750000
15 Riverside 3.900000
16 Los Angeles 4.333333
17 NaN NaN
18 NaN NaN
19 NaN NaN