Authors: Emily Su and Rishi Gurjar; Sources: USDA, CNPS, Unsplash

Importance of Planting Native Plants


Planting native plants mean choosing plants that are appropriate for our climate. This helps the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity. 

“These important plant species provide nectar, pollen, and seeds that serve as food for native butterflies, insects, birds, and other animals. Native plants are also advantageous, because: Native plants do not require fertilizers and require fewer pesticides than lawns.” —USDA



California Native Plants Word Search (By the CNPS)

Materials: Copies of the word search and a pencil // Duration: 10 minutes

  • Students will receive a word search and have 10 minutes to complete it

  • Whoever finds the most terms or completes it first will get a small prize

  • Students will be introduced to native plants and their names.


Native Plants Coloring Activity

Materials: Copies of coloring paper, color pencils, and graphite pencils // Duration: 10 minutes

  • Students will get to choose an image to color while the instructor explains the variety of phenotypes in native plants.

  • Students will learn of the significance of the structure and colors of native plants.


Planting native plants helps the environment by minimizing fertilizer, pesticide, and water use, keeping the air cleaner, providing shelter and food for wildlife pollinators, and helping local biodiversity. 


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