Author: Emily Su; Sources: ElectricityPlans, The Nature Conservancy, Unsplash
Carbon Footprint
Carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gasses, which includes the carbon dioxide and methane, that is released into the atmosphere due to human activities.
“To have the best chance of avoiding a 2℃ rise in global temperatures, the average global carbon footprint per year needs to drop to under 2 tons by 2050.” — The Nature Conservancy
Carbon Footprint Worksheet (By
Materials: Paper and a pencil // Duration: 10-15 minutes
Answer the questions on the first page of the worksheet.
For questions #1-11, score 1 point for every A answer, 2 points for every B answer, 3 points for every C answer, and 4 points for every D answer.
For Question 12, subtract 1 point for every item circled.
Let students compare their points.