Author: Janine Ty; Sources: APA, Environmental Health News, Unsplash

Urban Planning and Environmental Justice


Sometimes the distribution of environmental burdens is unequal within communities and a portion of the population is left to carry most of the load. 

“There are many factors that result in communities that may be underserved, under-resourced, and overburdened by pollution. For this reason, a broad range of tools have been developed for encouraging environmental justice.” —APA



Mock Mayor

Materials: Copies of the scenario paper // Duration: 10 minutes

  • Divide students into groups of no less than 3 people.

  • Give each group a copy of the scenario paper and have them brainstorm steps they would take, solutions to the problems, or any ideas they have relating to the problem at hand.

  • Students will learn about some possible situations that people find themselves in.

  • Students will use critical thinking skills to try and solve an issue.


Urban planning and environmental justice go hand in hand and there are ways to work through many of the complications communities face. Citizens and professionals must collaborate to locate the source of the inequity and put an end to it. 


Vegan/Vegetarian for the Environment


Ecological Tolerance