Authors: Emily Su and Rishi Gurjar; Sources: Grow NYC, Unsplash
Importance of Waste Disposal
Waste must be properly separated.
Recycling means re-using waste materials and substances. It is also a process where waste can be remade into useful products.
Compost is the process of decaying organic matter. People usually compost food scraps, leaves, and certain types of paper.
Trash is also known as waste or refuse. Items that are not recyclable or compostable will go in the trash bin.
If an environment is not cleaned properly, then the chances of diseases will increase. The purpose of this activity is to allow students to understand how to distribute trash/waste properly. This way, they will have further knowledge of the importance of waste disposal and benefit our planet at the same time.
Waste Disposal Game
Materials: Printed images of items/trash, mini trash bins or regular bins // Duration: 10 minutes
Split students into two groups
Each group will get 4 minutes to sort every image into the correct bin
Whichever team gets the most points (1 point per correct distribution), wins and gets a small prize
Milk Carton Wallet
Materials: School milk carton, scissors, velcro, and ruler // Duration: 10-15 minutes